
News & Announcements


June 12, 2024

Gadkari Group Summer 2024 Outing

The Gadkari Group celebrated another year around the sun, and the many achievements by trainees in the lab. Welcome also to two new undergraduates Bella, and Haisley! We solved a magical mystery in record time!

June 7, 2024

Rowan Wins Award at Graduate Student Research Symposium!

Congratulations to Rowan for winning her section at the UMN Chemistry Graduate Student Research Symposium! This is a major Third Year milestone, and a tremendous honor! Her award will come with a travel stipend to attend a conference and present her research!

June 2-6, 2024

Gadkari Group Attends ASMS

Members of the Gadkari Group attended ASMS 2024 in Anaheim CA! We enjoyed a great week of science including a talk by Rowan and a Poster by Raihana!

May 31, 2024

Pete Passes his Preliminary Exams

Congrats to Pete for passing his preliminary exams!

January 25, 2024

Raihana Passes her Preliminary Exams

Congrats to Raihana for passing her preliminary exams!


November 20, 2023

Pete Wins the Pothapragada International Graduate Student Fellowship

The Pothapragada Fellowship awards Pete for his continued excellence and productivity in the lab. He is one of two graduate students to win this fellowship in 2023. Congratulations Pete!

November 15, 2023

2023 First Years Join the Group

Eledon, Gabby, and Kate officially join the Gadkari group!